Gene Info

  • Species: Human (Homo sapiens)
  • GeneID: 57661
  • Symbol: PHRF1
  • Description: PHD and ring finger domains 1
DataSource: http://genomernai.dkfz.de/v16/genedetails/57661

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Stable_ID Entrez_ID Gene_ID Gene_Symbol Reagent_ID Score Phenotype Conditions Follow_Up Comment Screen_Title Publication_Title Authors Publication_Year Pubmed_ID Biosource Biomodel Assay Method Library Scope Reagent_Type Score_Type Cutoff Notes
GR00053-A 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 np sp none no Genome stability A genome-wide siRNA screen reveals diverse cellular processes and pathways that mediate genome stability. Paulsen et al. 2009 19647519 Cell line HeLa gamma-H2AX phosphorylation and DNA content Fluorescence siARRAY human genome siRNA library Genome-wide siRNA p-value Complex criteria Confidence groupings from 4 to 1 (highest level of confidence in group 4)
GR00054-A 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 np 0.813 none no Combinatorial effect with paclitaxel Synthetic lethal screen identification of chemosensitizer loci in cancer cells. Whitehurst et al. 2007 17429401 Cell line NCI-H1155 Viability (synthetic lethal) ATP level # G-005000-01 Genome-wide siRNA Paclitaxel/control ratio Complex criteria Additional information about 87 high-confidence hits
GR00056-A 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 np 1.03 none no Melanogenesis Genome-wide siRNA-based functional genomics of pigmentation identifies novel genes and pathways that impact melanogenesis in human cells. Ganesan et al. 2008 19057677 Cell line MNT-1 Melanin protein expression and viability Absorbance and luminescence rp Genome-wide siRNA Normalized absorbance ratio > 2 standard deviations below mean Additional information about a secondary screen (retest to determine false-positive rate)
GR00057-A-1 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 M-026727-00 0.16 none no Wnt/beta-catenin pathway regulation (1) A genome-wide RNAi screen for Wnt/beta-catenin pathway components identifies unexpected roles for TCF transcription factors in cancer. Tang et al. 2008 18621708 Cell line HeLa Wnt pathway reporter Luminescence Human siArray siRNA library Genome-wide siRNA Z-score > 4 Screen without Wnt3A stimulation. Additional information about secondary screens (Dharmacon and Qiagen libraries).
GR00057-A-2 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 M-026727-00 sp none no Wnt/beta-catenin pathway regulation (2) A genome-wide RNAi screen for Wnt/beta-catenin pathway components identifies unexpected roles for TCF transcription factors in cancer. Tang et al. 2008 18621708 Cell line HeLa Wnt pathway reporter Luminescence Human siArray siRNA library Genome-wide siRNA Complex, SP Complex criteria Screen with Wnt3A stimulation. Additional information about secondary screens (Dharmacon and Qiagen libraries).
GR00098-A-1 57661 ENSG00000070047 KIAA1542 ENSG00000070047 sp none no Cell division (1) Genome-scale RNAi profiling of cell division in human tissue culture cells. Kittler et al. 2007 17994010 Cell line HeLa Cell number and DNA content Laser scanning cytometry rp Genome-wide esiRNA Complex, sp Complex criteria
GR00133-A-1 57661 57661 KIAA1542 np -0.107597 none no Salmonella enterica subspecies 1 serovar Typhimurium invasion (1) RNAi screen of Salmonella invasion shows role of COPI in membrane targeting of cholesterol and Cdc42. Misselwitz et al. 2011 21407211 Cell line HeLa Gentamycin protection invasion assay Fluorescence Druggable genome library V2.0 Druggable genes siRNA log2 median Complex criteria
GR00180-A-1 57661 57661 KIAA1542 PL-50063 0.92 none no Hepatitis C virus replication (1) A functional genomic screen identifies cellular cofactors of hepatitis C virus replication. Tai et al. 2009 19286138 Cell line Huh7/Rep-Feo HCV replicon RNA copy number Luminescence siARRAY Human Genome siRNA Library Genome-wide siRNA q-value Complex criteria
GR00184-A-1 57661 NM_020901 PHRF1 M-026727-00 -0.961975731480964 none no Self-renewal and pluripotency in human embryonic stem cells (1) A genome-wide RNAi screen reveals determinants of human embryonic stem cell identity. Chia et al. 2010 20953172 Cell line hESC H1 POU5F1 protein expression Fluorescence SMARTpool siRNA library Genome-wide siRNA Z-score < -2
GR00188-A 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 np 0.102742840964501 none no Release from monastrol-induced mitotic arrest UBE2S elongates ubiquitin chains on APC/C substrates to promote mitotic exit. Garnett et al. 2009 19820702 Cell line CAL51 Histone H3 serine 10 phosphorylation Fluorescence Ubiquitin-proteasome system siRNA library Ubiquitin-proteasome system genes siRNA ΔMI standard score > 2 AND p < 0.01
GR00197-A-1 57661 57661 KIAA1542 M-026727-00 0.369329323 none no Human papillomavirus oncogene expression regulation (1) Genome-wide siRNA screen identifies SMCX, EP400, and Brd4 as E2-dependent regulators of human papillomavirus oncogene expression. Smith et al. 2010 20133580 Cell line C33A/BE2/18LCR c4 HPV18 LCR reporter activity Luminescence Human siGENOME SMARTpool library Genome-wide siRNA Z-score > Author-submitted data. Phenotype strength according to Z-scores: weak: 2 - 3; moderate: 3 - 5; strong: > 5
GR00236-A-1 57661 57661 KIAA1542 M-026727-00 0.755626475582134 none no Homologous recombination DNA double-strand break repair (HR-DSBR) (1) A genome-wide homologous recombination screen identifies the RNA-binding protein RBMX as a component of the DNA-damage response. Adamson et al. 2012 22344029 Cell line DR-U2OS (HR-DSBR) DR-GFP reporter and DNA content Fluorescence Human siGENOME siRNA (G-005000-05) Genome-wide siRNA Relative HR ratio < ~0.4 OR > 1.88 Cutoff values correspond 2 standard deviations from the screen-wide mean
GR00240-S-1 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 M-026727-00 0.88 none yes TRAIL-induced apoptosis (1) A synthetic lethal screen identifies FAT1 as an antagonist of caspase-8 in extrinsic apoptosis. Kranz and Boutros 2014 24442637 Cell line U251MG Viability Luminescence SMART-pool siRNA Genome-wide siRNA Z-score > 4 Author-submitted data
GR00240-S-2 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 M-026727-00 -0.47 none no Z-score 0.491 TRAIL-induced apoptosis (2) A synthetic lethal screen identifies FAT1 as an antagonist of caspase-8 in extrinsic apoptosis. Kranz and Boutros 2014 24442637 Cell line U251MG Viability (synthetic lethal) Luminescence SMART-pool siRNA Genome-wide siRNA Differential score > 3.6 AND viability Z-score < 4 Author-submitted data. Z-scores from viability screen (1) are considered in score interpretation for this screen.
GR00242-A-1 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 np np none no Selective autophagy regulation (1) Image-based genome-wide siRNA screen identifies selective autophagy factors. Orvedahl et al. 2011 22020285 Cell line HeLa/GFP-LC3 Sindbis virus (SIN) capsid SIN-mCherry.capsid and autophagosome GFP–LC3 protein expression Fluorescence siGenome Genome-wide siRNA Z-score Complex criteria
GR00249-S 57661 57661 KIAA1542 J-026727-05 0.59789 none no number of cells compared to control (%): 83.00 Vaccinia virus (VACV) infection Human genome-wide RNAi screen reveals a role for nuclear pore proteins in poxvirus morphogenesis. Sivan et al. 2013 23401514 Cell line HeLa Vaccinia virus VACV IHD-J/GFP protein expression and DNA content Fluorescence Silencer Select Version 4, siGENOME SMARTpool and OnTargetPlus Genome-wide siRNA Z-score > Author-submitted data. Primary screen. Decreased viability phenotype if number of cells compared to control < 50 %.
GR00249-S 57661 57661 KIAA1542 M-026727-00 -0.30812 none no number of cells compared to control (%): 69.21 Vaccinia virus (VACV) infection Human genome-wide RNAi screen reveals a role for nuclear pore proteins in poxvirus morphogenesis. Sivan et al. 2013 23401514 Cell line HeLa Vaccinia virus VACV IHD-J/GFP protein expression and DNA content Fluorescence Silencer Select Version 4, siGENOME SMARTpool and OnTargetPlus Genome-wide siRNA Z-score > Author-submitted data. Primary screen. Decreased viability phenotype if number of cells compared to control < 50 %.
GR00249-S 57661 57661 KIAA1542 s33541 1.36866 Increased vaccinia virus (VACV) infection no number of cells compared to control (%): 76.81 Vaccinia virus (VACV) infection Human genome-wide RNAi screen reveals a role for nuclear pore proteins in poxvirus morphogenesis. Sivan et al. 2013 23401514 Cell line HeLa Vaccinia virus VACV IHD-J/GFP protein expression and DNA content Fluorescence Silencer Select Version 4, siGENOME SMARTpool and OnTargetPlus Genome-wide siRNA Z-score > Author-submitted data. Primary screen. Decreased viability phenotype if number of cells compared to control < 50 %.
GR00249-S 57661 57661 KIAA1542 s33542 -0.24691 none no number of cells compared to control (%): 80.03 Vaccinia virus (VACV) infection Human genome-wide RNAi screen reveals a role for nuclear pore proteins in poxvirus morphogenesis. Sivan et al. 2013 23401514 Cell line HeLa Vaccinia virus VACV IHD-J/GFP protein expression and DNA content Fluorescence Silencer Select Version 4, siGENOME SMARTpool and OnTargetPlus Genome-wide siRNA Z-score > Author-submitted data. Primary screen. Decreased viability phenotype if number of cells compared to control < 50 %.
GR00249-S 57661 57661 KIAA1542 s33543 -0.08496 none no number of cells compared to control (%): 93.52 Vaccinia virus (VACV) infection Human genome-wide RNAi screen reveals a role for nuclear pore proteins in poxvirus morphogenesis. Sivan et al. 2013 23401514 Cell line HeLa Vaccinia virus VACV IHD-J/GFP protein expression and DNA content Fluorescence Silencer Select Version 4, siGENOME SMARTpool and OnTargetPlus Genome-wide siRNA Z-score > Author-submitted data. Primary screen. Decreased viability phenotype if number of cells compared to control < 50 %.
GR00253-A 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 np -0.01 none hepcidin regulation Unbiased RNAi screen for hepcidin regulators links hepcidin suppression to proliferative Ras/RAF and nutrient-dependent mTOR signaling. Mleczko-Sanecka et al. 2014 24385536 Cell line Huh7 hepcidin::fluc mRNA expression Luminescence siGenome siARRAY SMARTpool Genome-wide siRNA Z-score > Cutoff <
GR00255-A-1 57661 57661 PHRF1 TRCN0000074343, TRCN0000074344, TRCN0000074345, TRCN0000074346, TRCN0000074347 -0.53787504 none Negative genetic interactions (1) A negative genetic interaction map in isogenic cancer cell lines reveals cancer cell vulnerabilities. Vizeacoumar et al. 2013 24104479 Cell line HCT116 shRNA abundance Microarray np Genome-wide shRNA differential Gene Activity Ranking Profile (dGARP) < -1.0 HCT116 BLM-/- and HCT116 BLM+/+ cells used. Cutoff corresponds to p-value < 0.05. Additional information about a secondary screen (genetic interactions with Cetuximab/Erbitux in LIM1215 cells)
GR00255-A-2 57661 57661 PHRF1 TRCN0000074343, TRCN0000074344, TRCN0000074345, TRCN0000074346, TRCN0000074347 -0.098580618 none Negative genetic interactions (2) A negative genetic interaction map in isogenic cancer cell lines reveals cancer cell vulnerabilities. Vizeacoumar et al. 2013 24104479 Cell line HCT116 shRNA abundance Microarray np Genome-wide shRNA differential Gene Activity Ranking Profile (dGARP) < -1.0 HCT116 MUS81-/- and HCT116 MUS81+/+ cells used. Cutoff corresponds to p-value < 0.05. Additional information about a secondary screen (genetic interactions with Cetuximab/Erbitux in LIM1215 cells)
GR00255-A-3 57661 57661 PHRF1 TRCN0000074343, TRCN0000074344, TRCN0000074345, TRCN0000074346, TRCN0000074347 -0.31890189 none Negative genetic interactions (3) A negative genetic interaction map in isogenic cancer cell lines reveals cancer cell vulnerabilities. Vizeacoumar et al. 2013 24104479 Cell line HCT116 shRNA abundance Microarray np Genome-wide shRNA differential Gene Activity Ranking Profile (dGARP) < -1.2 HCT116 PTEN-/- and HCT116 PTEN+/+ cells used. Cutoff corresponds to p-value < 0.05. Additional information about a secondary screen (genetic interactions with Cetuximab/Erbitux in LIM1215 cells)
GR00255-A-4 57661 57661 PHRF1 TRCN0000074343, TRCN0000074344, TRCN0000074345, TRCN0000074346, TRCN0000074347 -0.02761402 none Negative genetic interactions (4) A negative genetic interaction map in isogenic cancer cell lines reveals cancer cell vulnerabilities. Vizeacoumar et al. 2013 24104479 Cell line HCT116 shRNA abundance Microarray np Genome-wide shRNA differential Gene Activity Ranking Profile (dGARP) < -1.2 HCT116 PTTG1-/- and HCT116 PTTG1+/+ cells used. Cutoff corresponds to p-value < 0.05. Additional information about a secondary screen (genetic interactions with Cetuximab/Erbitux in LIM1215 cells)
GR00255-A-5 57661 57661 PHRF1 TRCN0000074343, TRCN0000074344, TRCN0000074345, TRCN0000074346, TRCN0000074347 0.377833815 none Negative genetic interactions (5) A negative genetic interaction map in isogenic cancer cell lines reveals cancer cell vulnerabilities. Vizeacoumar et al. 2013 24104479 Cell line HCT116 shRNA abundance Microarray np Genome-wide shRNA differential Gene Activity Ranking Profile (dGARP) < -0.8 HCT116 KRASG13D/- and HCT116 KRAS+/- cells used. Cutoff corresponds to p-value < 0.05. Additional information about a secondary screen (genetic interactions with Cetuximab/Erbitux in LIM1215 cells)
GR00265-S 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 np - none Cytochrome c degradation The E3 ligase PARC mediates the degradation of cytosolic cytochrome c to promote survival in neurons and cancer cells. Gama et al. 2014 25028717 Cell line U-87 MG Cytochrome c expression Fluorescence Dharmacon Selected genes siRNA Intensity: weak, medium, strong np Reagents were designed based onRef Seq database v5.0-8.0.
GR00300-A 57661 KIAA1542 TRCN0000074343, TRCN0000074344, TRCN0000074347, TRCN0000074346, TRCN0000074345 0 none Combinatorial effect with RAF inhibitor PLX4720 A genome-scale RNA interference screen implicates NF1 loss in resistance to RAF inhibition. Whittaker et al. 2013 23288408 Cell line A375 shRNA abundance Sequencing TRC Genome-wide shRNA Number of shRNAs ranked Top1000 > 2 The A375 cell line used here harbours the BRAF V600E mutation and is therefore sensitive to RAF inhibitors.
GR00303-A 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 np 1.06 none Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) survival regulation Genome-wide RNA interference analysis of renal carcinoma survival regulators identifies MCT4 as a Warburg effect metabolic target Gerlinger et al. 2012 22362593 Cell line VHL-deficient RCC4 Proliferation and Viability Fluorescence np Genome-wide siRNA Z-score < In the phenotype data duplicates were in the original document, which have been removed.
GR00310-A-1 57661 57661 KIAA1542 np -0.02 none Sindbis virus (SINV) infection (1) Genome-Wide RNAi Screen Identifies Novel Host Proteins Required for Alphavirus Entry Ooi et al. 2013 24367265 Cell line U2OS Sindbis virus (SINV) reporter Luminescence Ambion Silencer V3 Genome-wide siRNA Z-score < -3 OR > 2
57661 57661 KIAA1542 np -5 none 92,9% viability
GR00313-A 57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 np -0.71 none TNF-alpha pathway regulation A Genome-Wide RNA Interference Screen Identifies Caspase 4 as a Factor Required for Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Signaling. Nickles et al. 2012 22733992 Cell line HEK293T NFkappaB pathway reporter Luminescence Qiagen Genome-wide siRNA Z-score < Additional filters were a reduction in firefly luciferase levels by at least 50% compared to the mean of the experiment and a concomitant reduction of renilla luciferase expression of not more than 30%.
GR00355-A 57661 57661 KIAA1542 np 1.218653332 Increased epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) surface abundance PIP3-mediated epidermal growth factor (EGFR) endocytosis PIP3 induces the recycling of receptor tyrosine kinases Laketa et al. 2014 24425787 Cell line HeLa Kyoto Epidermal growth factor (EGFR) surface abundance Fluorescence Qiagen Selected genes siRNA Deviation score < -1 OR > 1 HeLa Kyoto cells were stably transfected with EGFR-EYFP. Reagent Sequences (but no reagent ID) available in Table S4.
GR00360-A-1 57661 PHRF1 236369 -1.3709 Increased CFP-tsO45G cell surface transport Secretory transport (1) Genome-wide RNAi screening identifies human proteins with a regulatory function in the early secretory pathway Simpson et al. 2012 22660414 Cell line HeLa Kyoto CFP-tsO45G cell surface transport Fluorescence Ambion Genome-wide siRNA Deviation score < - 1 OR > 0.75 (mild: 0.75 - 1.0; strong: > 1.0) For validation screen see Secretory transport (2).
57661 57661 PHRF1 0 none
GR00371-A-1 57661 57661 PHRF1 0.015634676422 none Ambion Nanog expression in absence of bFGF and TGFbeta Deterministic Restriction on Pluripotent State Dissolution by Cell-Cycle Pathways Gonzales et al. 2015 26232226 Cell line NANOG-GFP H1 hESC NANOG expression Fluorescence Dharmacon and Ambion Selected genes siRNA Z-score >1,25 OR >1,5 [in at least two replicates] Z-score shown is an average of the z-scores from the three replicates performed for each gene. In the "Comment" field, the siRNA library used for each particular gene is noted.
GR00371-A-2 57661 PHRF1 57661 -0.323524297317 none Ambion Nanog expression in presence of TGFbeta inhibitor Deterministic Restriction on Pluripotent State Dissolution by Cell-Cycle Pathways Gonzales et al. 2015 26232226 Cell line NANOG-GFP H1 hESC NANOG expression Fluorescence Dharmacon and Ambion Selected genes siRNA Z-score >1,25 OR >1,5 [in at least two replicates] Z-score shown is an average of the z-scores from the three replicates performed for each gene. In the "Comment" field, the siRNA library used for each particular gene is noted.
GR00371-A-3 57661 57661 PHRF1 0.0794174401511 none Ambion Nanog expression in presence of MEK inhibitor Deterministic Restriction on Pluripotent State Dissolution by Cell-Cycle Pathways Gonzales et al. 2015 26232226 Cell line NANOG-GFP H1 hESC NANOG expression Fluorescence Dharmacon and Ambion Selected genes siRNA Z-score >1,25 OR >1,5 [in at least two replicates] Z-score shown is an average of the z-scores from the three replicates performed for each gene. In the "Comment" field, the siRNA library used for each particular gene is noted.
GR00371-A-4 57661 57661 PHRF1 -0.252178058969 none Ambion Nanog expression in presence of PI3K inhibitor Deterministic Restriction on Pluripotent State Dissolution by Cell-Cycle Pathways Gonzales et al. 2015 26232226 Cell line NANOG-GFP H1 hESC NANOG expression Fluorescence Dharmacon and Ambion Selected genes siRNA Z-score >1,25 OR >1,5 [in at least two replicates] Z-score shown is an average of the z-scores from the three replicates performed for each gene. In the "Comment" field, the siRNA library used for each particular gene is noted.
GR00371-A-5 57661 57661 PHRF1 -0.57920640145 none Ambion Nanog expression in presence of retinoic acid Deterministic Restriction on Pluripotent State Dissolution by Cell-Cycle Pathways Gonzales et al. 2015 26232226 Cell line NANOG-GFP H1 hESC NANOG expression Fluorescence Dharmacon and Ambion Selected genes siRNA Z-score >1,25 OR >1,5 [in at least two replicates] Z-score shown is an average of the z-scores from the three replicates performed for each gene. In the "Comment" field, the siRNA library used for each particular gene is noted.
GR00376-A-1 57661 57661 KIAA1542 0.100889521 none Mitigators of SS1P-induced immunotoxicity Whole-genome RNAi screen highlights components of the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi as a source of resistance to immunotoxin-mediated cytotoxicity Pasetto et al. 2015 25713356 Cell line KB cells Viability Luminescence Ambion Silencer Select Version 4 Genome-wide siRNA RSA P-value <0.001 SS1P was applied in a "high dose", ≈EC90, 13 ng/ml. Cutoff was derived from data submitted to Pubchem (ID 1117281). Reagent sequences but no ID
GR00376-A-2 57661 57661 KIAA1542 0.248486903 none Sensitizers of SS1P-induced immunotoxicity Whole-genome RNAi screen highlights components of the endoplasmic reticulum/Golgi as a source of resistance to immunotoxin-mediated cytotoxicity Pasetto et al. 2015 25713356 Cell line KB cells Viability Luminescence Ambion Silencer Select Version 4 Genome-wide siRNA RSA P-value <0.001 SS1P was applied in a "low dose", ≈EC30, 3 ng/ml. Cutoff was derived from data submitted to PubChem (ID 1117281). Reagent sequences but no ID
57661 NM_020901 KIAA1542 93.282 none
GR00386-A-1 57661 57661 KIAA1542 90.3269336990267 none NOD2 stimulation by MDP A genome-wide small interfering RNA (siRNA) screen reveals nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)-independent regulators of NOD2-induced interleukin-8 (IL-8) secretion. Warner et al. 2014 25170077 Cell line HEK293 stably expressing NOD2 Viability Luminescence Dharmacon Genome-wide siRNA Percentage growth Decreased: <70, increased: >120 Reagent IDs not provided
GR00386-A-2 57661 57661 KIAA1542 0.8 none MDP-induced IL-8 secretion A genome-wide small interfering RNA (siRNA) screen reveals nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)-independent regulators of NOD2-induced interleukin-8 (IL-8) secretion. Warner et al. 2014 25170077 Cell line HEK293 stably expressing NOD2 IL-8 secretion ELISA Dharmacon Genome-wide siRNA Percent inhibition of IL-8 secretion Increased: <-300, Decreased: >60 Concentration of IL-8 was measured from cell supernatants by sandwich ELISA. IL-8 values (pg/ml) were normalized to IL-8 secreted in cells treated with RIPK2-specific siRNA (100% inhibition) and non-targeting siRNA (0% inhibition). Secondary validating screen assessed 554 genes whose silencing affected MDP-induced IL-8 secretion in the primary screen. Final validated IL-8 regulators (positive or negative) are listed in the comments column. Reagent IDs not provided