Gene Ontology

Gene Info

  • Species: Mouse (Mus musculus)
  • GeneID: 12369
  • Symbol: Casp7
  • Description: caspase 7


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GeneID GO_ID Evidence Qualifier GO_term Pubmed ID Category
12369 GO:0004190 IDA enables aspartic-type endopeptidase activity 15231831,35705808 Function
12369 GO:0004197 IDA enables cysteine-type endopeptidase activity 19759058,35705808 Function
12369 GO:0005515 IPI enables protein binding 19759058 Function
12369 GO:0097153 IDA enables cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process 16183742,25231987 Function


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GeneID GO_ID Evidence Qualifier GO_term Pubmed ID Category
12369 GO:0005615 IDA is_active_in extracellular space 35705808 Component


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GeneID GO_ID Evidence Qualifier GO_term Pubmed ID Category
12369 GO:0007507 IGI acts_upstream_of_or_within heart development 16469926 Process
12369 GO:0009411 IGI acts_upstream_of_or_within response to UV 16469926 Process
12369 GO:0016485 IDA acts_upstream_of_or_within protein processing 15231831 Process
12369 GO:0042742 IDA acts_upstream_of defense response to bacterium 35705808 Process
12369 GO:0044346 IGI acts_upstream_of_or_within fibroblast apoptotic process 16469926 Process
12369 GO:0051402 IDA acts_upstream_of_or_within neuron apoptotic process 15231831 Process
12369 GO:0051604 IDA involved_in protein maturation 35705808 Process
12369 GO:0070227 IMP involved_in lymphocyte apoptotic process 19168786 Process
12369 GO:0097194 IGI acts_upstream_of_or_within execution phase of apoptosis 16469926 Process
12369 GO:1905686 IDA acts_upstream_of positive regulation of plasma membrane repair 35705808 Process