Gene Ontology

Gene Info

  • Species: Human (Homo sapiens)
  • GeneID: 6427
  • Symbol: SRSF2
  • Description: serine and arginine rich splicing factor 2


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GeneID GO_ID Evidence Qualifier GO_term Pubmed ID Category
6427 GO:0003723 HDA enables RNA binding 22658674,22681889 Function
6427 GO:0005515 IPI enables protein binding 9237760,9447963,15652350,18559666,21157427,21296756,21504830,2..... Function


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GeneID GO_ID Evidence Qualifier GO_term Pubmed ID Category
6427 GO:0005634 IDA located_in nucleus 15652350,15988025,17494991,19734146,21653549 Component
6427 GO:0005654 IDA located_in nucleoplasm Component
6427 GO:0005829 IDA located_in cytosol Component
6427 GO:0016605 IDA NOT located_in PML body 15652350 Component
6427 GO:0016607 IDA located_in nuclear speck 12799190,15798186,21984414,23562910 Component