Gene Ontology

Gene Info

  • Species: Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
  • GeneID: 81763
  • Symbol: Rpl5
  • Description: ribosomal protein L5


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GeneID GO_ID Evidence Qualifier GO_term Pubmed ID Category
81763 GO:0003729 IDA enables mRNA binding 7338522 Function
81763 GO:0005515 IPI enables protein binding 7649987 Function
81763 GO:0008097 IDA enables 5S rRNA binding 6430881 Function


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GeneID GO_ID Evidence Qualifier GO_term Pubmed ID Category
81763 GO:0010922 IDA involved_in positive regulation of phosphatase activity 7649987 Process
81763 GO:0071241 IEP involved_in cellular response to inorganic substance 12930674 Process
81763 GO:1905017 IMP involved_in positive regulation of isoleucine-tRNA ligase activity 1665486 Process
81763 GO:1905020 IMP involved_in positive regulation of methionine-tRNA ligase activity 1665486 Process
81763 GO:1905023 IMP involved_in positive regulation of threonine-tRNA ligase activity 8049265 Process


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GeneID GO_ID Evidence Qualifier GO_term Pubmed ID Category
81763 GO:0014069 EXP is_active_in postsynaptic density 15020595 Component
81763 GO:0014069 IDA is_active_in postsynaptic density 15020595 Component
81763 GO:0017101 IDA part_of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase multienzyme complex 8982850 Component
81763 GO:0022625 IDA part_of cytosolic large ribosomal subunit 3988767 Component
81763 GO:0022626 IDA located_in cytosolic ribosome 3733691 Component
81763 GO:1990904 IDA part_of ribonucleoprotein complex 8982850 Component